Fusion of axial MRI T2-weighted spin-echo and diffusion-weighted image showing complete resolution of the pancreatic lesions and dramatic regression of the right kidney lesion

Diffuse Pancreatic Lesion Mimicking Autoimmune Pancreatitis in an HIV-Infected Patient: Successful Treatment by Antiretroviral Therapy

Gil Leurquin-Sterk, Kinda Schepers, Myriam Delhaye, Serge Goldman, Laurine Verset, Celso Matos


Context Pancreatitis is a common complication of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. The most common causes of acute pancreatitis in an HIV population are medication and opportunistic infections. Case report We report the case of a young, untreated, HIV-infected female who presented with acute pancreatitis of unknown origin. Unique to this case are the autoimmune pancreatitis-like features on imaging studies associated with renal mass-like lesions and lymph node involvement as well as the favorable outcome using highly active antiretroviral therapy alone. Conclusion In HIV-infected patients, acute pancreatitis may present on imaging studies as autoimmune pancreatitis. In patients with uncontrolled HIV infection and imaging studies suggestive of autoimmune pancreatitis, direct HIV-related inflammation should be considered after exclusion of all other causes of pancreatitis.


Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; Inflammation; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Pancreatitis; Positron-Emission Tomography

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6092%2F1590-8577%2F457


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